Rándomnóób - 80 - combat rogue - horde - x realm.
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Rándomnóób - 80 - combat rogue - horde - x realm.
Your Main Character
Name: My toon's name is "Rándomnóób"
Race: She is a Blood-Elf. FEMALE POWER (I choosed a blood elf, because they got the arcane torrent effect, wich gives me, a little bit of energy, when I am using it. - I dosen't help a lot, but a bit it does.) But I think I'll go human, when if I join you guys, because of the reputation boost.
Class: I am a rogue, combat, of cause.
Spec: Combat
Recent WWS/WoL/WmO (or screenshot with recount from your last 25player fight): I am sorry, I actually don't got a screenshot of my DPS from 25man. :/ But, I can post it on my next raid
UI screenshot:
Why have you chosen this spec? I have chosen this spec, because I though i lack'd in assisanation spec, because I coudent find any good weapons. And then the 2 axe's dropped on 10man icc. And I specced combat, its my favourite spec anyways
Do you have good gear for other specs? Well. Actually I can use this gear to all spec's But I prefer some mroe armor pene
Would you respec if we need you to? Of cause, as long as you don't need me as sub. but I don't think you would
How long have you been playing WOW? I've been playing this game the last 5 years. (I don't got a life, I know) but have been on some minor breaks in 1week - 1 month..
How long have you been playing with your current character? Well, have only been playing on this one, for like 3 month's now..
If this isn't your first main raiding character, what was your old main(s) (name, class and spec)?
When and why did you abandon it? Well, my old main, (since classic wow) was a restro shaman, called rándomnoob, on chrommagus also. I did abandon it, because I prefered to lay rogue, the shaman was kind of borring to me. And then i tryed to level a rogue, and it was kind of fun and begin to raid at it, and i just loved it, and coudent stop have played on it since
Profession #1: I don't got any proff's on my rogue yet :/ but, i'll might start JC and LW very soon. I just need to grind some more money
Profession #2:
Why did you choose these professions? I wanna choose JC, because of the awesomeness gems you can make, and I can spare alot of money, because I don't need to tip god and every man And LW only because of the armors I can make, and because of the bracer enchant ^^
/played with this character:
/played on level 80:
Exalted factions (important ones): ehm.. ye? nothing important on my rogue.
Armory link:
Other lvl 80 characters/alts:
About You
Name: My name is Nick Krúger
Age: I am almost 19 And thats gonna say 18
Gender: Male
Location: Denmark ^^
Time zone: GMT +1..
More about yourself
Do you have any Real Life issues that would interfere with raids? no way I got a girlfriend, but when I raid, she know that she have to shut her mouth
Your connection: ehm, I don't really know :/ I live at my school, and havent really been looking at it yet. But I don't got any disconnections.
Hardware: Processor: AMD Atholon(tm) X2 Dual-Core QL-65, 2.10 GHz. 4GB RAM, 32bit system. I can't remember my other stats :/ sorry.
Normal game times: well, i usally play all day long xD from 15:00-02:00 exept fridays and saturdays and on sundays i'll play from around 20:30.. because I have to move down to my school agian.
Former guilds (list all): well, I have only been in one guild with my rogue. and it named killswitch. and tryed to make one before that, but we dident even enter a raid, we totally failed
Why are you no longer in these guilds? I got kicked by killswitch, because i sayd I was gonna "steal" his Gm spot but I was CO-GM, so i though I had to decide something too but no..
Are you applying to any other guilds? Nope..
Is the account you are using originally yours? Well, ye, but its in my uncel's name, because I was like 12-13 years when i stared to play, and i dident knough it was gonna be like i was laying like very day xD
Do you share the account with someone? no way its MY account, and only mine! ;D
Who else is able to access the account and why? None
You and PvE
How many days can you raid in one reset? well, monday - friday, sometimes in the weekends too, but i wont promise anything.
Will you sign up for farm raids? Sure.
Progressing on a new boss sometimes means wiping to him for 4.5 hours in a row, with improvements happening pretty slowly over time. Are you prepared for it? Why? Of cause I am, every wipe is progress I think its kind of fun to wipe I can only laugh at people when they fail Its only a game, remember
Can you take the critic and learn from it? Ye, thats the way I learned to play this game
If you are the one messing up, can you admit the mistake and take the blame? Sure. Its the way I learn things on. Just blame the rogue
If we decide to swap you out; due to poor performance or connection issues, can you accept it without causing any fuss? sure. I can't see any problems in that
Do you understand that our guild got more than 25 people on the roster and you won't be taken to every single raid you sign up for? Yea, well,
Will you sign up for (10) player raids? ye, if I got the times for them, of cause
What do you normally do at weekends? What I normally do in the weekends? i am not sure that you wanna know then i might just be an bad example
Which addons have you used during raids in the past? well, in the past I only used DBM
Which addons do you think you should you be using in a raid? well, my normally addons
Which potion, elixirs or flask and buffing food do you use most often? And why? I use Flask of EndlessRage and some Attack Poweer buff food. for boosting my AP as much as posseble..
What are your thoughts about repair bills? well, they can be a pain in the ass But nothing to do about it I just pay them and hope getting something back one day from the guild, as loot or "good-job noob!" etc etc
Raid experience
Vanilla WoW: well, i did cleared up to raggy at MC, and did not kill first boss or last boss in BWL and that was it, I was on a server called Ravencrest (on horde side with my shammy) and in a guild named "Dusk Ronin"..
The Burning Crusade: I Cleared Karazhan, gruul, maggy and 2 bosses in the eye, and the 4 first bosses in ZA (was quite inactive in TBC)
Wrath of the Lich King: well, have cleared everything exept icc and togc
(NB! These questions are purely for us to gauge your overall WoW knowledge.)
What is the hit rating cap for casters? errr? I really dunno
What is the hit rating cap for dual wielders? well, for rogue (white hit cap) 700+! and for posion its 320 or something or 380, i really can't remember, but if there is any problems, i know that google is my best friend
What is the hit rating cap for 1h/Shield, 2h, feral? err? I dunno
What is the hit rating for ranged dps? >.< hate when people keep asking me questions I can'y answer!
If you were melee DPS, how would you position yourself to your target? behind, or if it got a tail, like onyxia at one of the sides so I don't get a tail swipe (that ruin's my DPS! )
What is the global cooldown? 0.5seconds, i think, i am not really sure..
What are your racial abilities and how do they work? well, as a blood elf I get some energy, (as rogue) as mana user you'll get some mana, its like 6 or 8% mana, and as rogue you get 15energy..
What does Blessing of Kings do? gives me +10% to all stats, i loooove it
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with stamina? Ye, i think so? I havent been a tank before
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with bonus healing? I think so..
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with attack power? ye
Which Blessings do you prefer using in a raid, and why? well, depending on the fight, at saurfang, I prefer kings. because of the mark, I'll need abit more HP but otherwise I would refer might, because of the attack power.
Why is 'Power Word: Fortitude' and/or 'Prayer of Fortitude' buffed on the whole raid and not just the tanks? Because the raid also takes damage
What is DKP and why do we use it? well, DKP is a system, where you fairly earn your DK, with killing bosses, showing up for raids. etc etc. And spending them on the items that you want.
Why do you want to raid?: Why I do want to raid? because raiding is a part of me Its like taking the honny away from Winnie the Pooh!
Got any friends in the guild? Ye, I got 2 friends from my school, who is playing - a shadow priest named, Kuii, and a restro shammy named Ruzzer.
Why are you playing World of Warcraft? well, its a quite fun story xD - I started because my best friend was starting, and I saw it, and i was just in love the moment I saw it and have been playing since
What is your goal in World of Warcraft? well, i wont say that I got a "goal" I just want to be one of the best and have a lot of fun
Why would you like to join Independence? Because I have talked with Ruzzer about it And well, ye, I just sayd for fun "if I applyed, what do you think would happend?.." "broom, brooom, well, try it... broom, broom!" and here I am
Why should we recruit you? Because I am overpowered, and funny and i am a loyal member/friend and because you gonna regret it if you not accept me
i am out for now
- Rándom
Name: My toon's name is "Rándomnóób"
Race: She is a Blood-Elf. FEMALE POWER (I choosed a blood elf, because they got the arcane torrent effect, wich gives me, a little bit of energy, when I am using it. - I dosen't help a lot, but a bit it does.) But I think I'll go human, when if I join you guys, because of the reputation boost.
Class: I am a rogue, combat, of cause.
Spec: Combat
Recent WWS/WoL/WmO (or screenshot with recount from your last 25player fight): I am sorry, I actually don't got a screenshot of my DPS from 25man. :/ But, I can post it on my next raid
UI screenshot:
Why have you chosen this spec? I have chosen this spec, because I though i lack'd in assisanation spec, because I coudent find any good weapons. And then the 2 axe's dropped on 10man icc. And I specced combat, its my favourite spec anyways
Do you have good gear for other specs? Well. Actually I can use this gear to all spec's But I prefer some mroe armor pene
Would you respec if we need you to? Of cause, as long as you don't need me as sub. but I don't think you would
How long have you been playing WOW? I've been playing this game the last 5 years. (I don't got a life, I know) but have been on some minor breaks in 1week - 1 month..
How long have you been playing with your current character? Well, have only been playing on this one, for like 3 month's now..
If this isn't your first main raiding character, what was your old main(s) (name, class and spec)?
When and why did you abandon it? Well, my old main, (since classic wow) was a restro shaman, called rándomnoob, on chrommagus also. I did abandon it, because I prefered to lay rogue, the shaman was kind of borring to me. And then i tryed to level a rogue, and it was kind of fun and begin to raid at it, and i just loved it, and coudent stop have played on it since
Profession #1: I don't got any proff's on my rogue yet :/ but, i'll might start JC and LW very soon. I just need to grind some more money
Profession #2:
Why did you choose these professions? I wanna choose JC, because of the awesomeness gems you can make, and I can spare alot of money, because I don't need to tip god and every man And LW only because of the armors I can make, and because of the bracer enchant ^^
/played with this character:
/played on level 80:
Exalted factions (important ones): ehm.. ye? nothing important on my rogue.
Armory link:
Other lvl 80 characters/alts:
About You
Name: My name is Nick Krúger
Age: I am almost 19 And thats gonna say 18
Gender: Male
Location: Denmark ^^
Time zone: GMT +1..
More about yourself
Do you have any Real Life issues that would interfere with raids? no way I got a girlfriend, but when I raid, she know that she have to shut her mouth
Your connection: ehm, I don't really know :/ I live at my school, and havent really been looking at it yet. But I don't got any disconnections.
Hardware: Processor: AMD Atholon(tm) X2 Dual-Core QL-65, 2.10 GHz. 4GB RAM, 32bit system. I can't remember my other stats :/ sorry.
Normal game times: well, i usally play all day long xD from 15:00-02:00 exept fridays and saturdays and on sundays i'll play from around 20:30.. because I have to move down to my school agian.
Former guilds (list all): well, I have only been in one guild with my rogue. and it named killswitch. and tryed to make one before that, but we dident even enter a raid, we totally failed
Why are you no longer in these guilds? I got kicked by killswitch, because i sayd I was gonna "steal" his Gm spot but I was CO-GM, so i though I had to decide something too but no..
Are you applying to any other guilds? Nope..
Is the account you are using originally yours? Well, ye, but its in my uncel's name, because I was like 12-13 years when i stared to play, and i dident knough it was gonna be like i was laying like very day xD
Do you share the account with someone? no way its MY account, and only mine! ;D
Who else is able to access the account and why? None
You and PvE
How many days can you raid in one reset? well, monday - friday, sometimes in the weekends too, but i wont promise anything.
Will you sign up for farm raids? Sure.
Progressing on a new boss sometimes means wiping to him for 4.5 hours in a row, with improvements happening pretty slowly over time. Are you prepared for it? Why? Of cause I am, every wipe is progress I think its kind of fun to wipe I can only laugh at people when they fail Its only a game, remember
Can you take the critic and learn from it? Ye, thats the way I learned to play this game
If you are the one messing up, can you admit the mistake and take the blame? Sure. Its the way I learn things on. Just blame the rogue
If we decide to swap you out; due to poor performance or connection issues, can you accept it without causing any fuss? sure. I can't see any problems in that
Do you understand that our guild got more than 25 people on the roster and you won't be taken to every single raid you sign up for? Yea, well,
Will you sign up for (10) player raids? ye, if I got the times for them, of cause
What do you normally do at weekends? What I normally do in the weekends? i am not sure that you wanna know then i might just be an bad example
Which addons have you used during raids in the past? well, in the past I only used DBM
Which addons do you think you should you be using in a raid? well, my normally addons
Which potion, elixirs or flask and buffing food do you use most often? And why? I use Flask of EndlessRage and some Attack Poweer buff food. for boosting my AP as much as posseble..
What are your thoughts about repair bills? well, they can be a pain in the ass But nothing to do about it I just pay them and hope getting something back one day from the guild, as loot or "good-job noob!" etc etc
Raid experience
Vanilla WoW: well, i did cleared up to raggy at MC, and did not kill first boss or last boss in BWL and that was it, I was on a server called Ravencrest (on horde side with my shammy) and in a guild named "Dusk Ronin"..
The Burning Crusade: I Cleared Karazhan, gruul, maggy and 2 bosses in the eye, and the 4 first bosses in ZA (was quite inactive in TBC)
Wrath of the Lich King: well, have cleared everything exept icc and togc
(NB! These questions are purely for us to gauge your overall WoW knowledge.)
What is the hit rating cap for casters? errr? I really dunno
What is the hit rating cap for dual wielders? well, for rogue (white hit cap) 700+! and for posion its 320 or something or 380, i really can't remember, but if there is any problems, i know that google is my best friend
What is the hit rating cap for 1h/Shield, 2h, feral? err? I dunno
What is the hit rating for ranged dps? >.< hate when people keep asking me questions I can'y answer!
If you were melee DPS, how would you position yourself to your target? behind, or if it got a tail, like onyxia at one of the sides so I don't get a tail swipe (that ruin's my DPS! )
What is the global cooldown? 0.5seconds, i think, i am not really sure..
What are your racial abilities and how do they work? well, as a blood elf I get some energy, (as rogue) as mana user you'll get some mana, its like 6 or 8% mana, and as rogue you get 15energy..
What does Blessing of Kings do? gives me +10% to all stats, i loooove it
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with stamina? Ye, i think so? I havent been a tank before
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with bonus healing? I think so..
Does 'Blessing of Kings' scale with attack power? ye
Which Blessings do you prefer using in a raid, and why? well, depending on the fight, at saurfang, I prefer kings. because of the mark, I'll need abit more HP but otherwise I would refer might, because of the attack power.
Why is 'Power Word: Fortitude' and/or 'Prayer of Fortitude' buffed on the whole raid and not just the tanks? Because the raid also takes damage
What is DKP and why do we use it? well, DKP is a system, where you fairly earn your DK, with killing bosses, showing up for raids. etc etc. And spending them on the items that you want.
Why do you want to raid?: Why I do want to raid? because raiding is a part of me Its like taking the honny away from Winnie the Pooh!
Got any friends in the guild? Ye, I got 2 friends from my school, who is playing - a shadow priest named, Kuii, and a restro shammy named Ruzzer.
Why are you playing World of Warcraft? well, its a quite fun story xD - I started because my best friend was starting, and I saw it, and i was just in love the moment I saw it and have been playing since
What is your goal in World of Warcraft? well, i wont say that I got a "goal" I just want to be one of the best and have a lot of fun
Why would you like to join Independence? Because I have talked with Ruzzer about it And well, ye, I just sayd for fun "if I applyed, what do you think would happend?.." "broom, brooom, well, try it... broom, broom!" and here I am
Why should we recruit you? Because I am overpowered, and funny and i am a loyal member/friend and because you gonna regret it if you not accept me
i am out for now
- Rándom
Guest- Guest
Sorry! It dident post my UI picture..
Guest- Guest
Re: Rándomnóób - 80 - combat rogue - horde - x realm.
Thanks for choosing us, we'll gonna need some time to discuss your application.
ps: Are you willing to figure out a "normal name" for your character instead the current one?
Thanks for choosing us, we'll gonna need some time to discuss your application.
ps: Are you willing to figure out a "normal name" for your character instead the current one?
Jorel- Admin
- Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-02-03
Age : 38
Location : Oceanic 815
Re: Rándomnóób - 80 - combat rogue - horde - x realm.
haha got a little laugh there :p tho then ame fits him quite well at least when he is in school, if he is gonna X-realm there is the little "bug" in wow that alows you to change name free.Jorel wrote: ps: Are you willing to figure out a "normal name" for your character instead the current one?
well from what I have heard from pep's from "killswitch" he is a very good player, that is dedicated, know he's stuff and always 110% focused when raiding, and he want's a certain structur in the guild and raids.
was really nice to read a well written application, good luck mate, would be awesome to see you on Lightbringer
I will pass the word to the ones that know something about "the invisible force"
By the Way, my achivements might be on my warrior: http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-achievements.xml?r=Thunderhorn&cn=Tobak (that is from TBC) got hacked, so I maked a new account.. And my old shammy arn't able to find on armory :/ (was on same account as my warrior) but after I got hacked on my warrior, I maked the new account, and haven't got any trouble since.. - Reason why I couden't get my gear back etc. Was because blizzard coudent do a fuk about it :/
Guest- Guest
Re: Rándomnóób - 80 - combat rogue - horde - x realm.
low experience on rogue, and your character's name is like autodecline .p
low experience on rogue, and your character's name is like autodecline .p
Jorel- Admin
- Posts : 9
Join date : 2010-02-03
Age : 38
Location : Oceanic 815
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